Woodbury, New Jersey
Photo courtesy of RoadsideArchitecture.com. (http://www.agilitynut.com/modarch/lustron.html)
Marion, OH
Alexandria, Lousiana
The Alexandria Historical Preservation Commission
is looking into moving and restoring this Lustron in central Louisiana. - May 2008
Forest Heights, Maryland
Upstate, NY
Pierre, South Dakota
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Nearby Los Alamos National Laboratory Is Location of WWII Manhattan Project
Huntington Station, NY
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Photo by US FEMA
Flood Damaged Structure was disassembled in 2001, cleaned and put into storage. It was re-assembled at
the Grand Forks Historical Society and opened in 2011.
For more details see the North Dakota Photos Page
Detroit, Michigan
An uncommon brick treatment ~ from thickness, this looks like real brick, not an imitation facing
Madison, Wisconsin
A Happy Marriage of two 1950s Icons