
Project: Replace Lustron Windows
December 11,12 2000


After living in my Lustron Home in upstate? New York? for
six years, I? replaced the aluminum frame casement windows.

The following photos and descriptions tell how it was done.


Not bad for 50 years old. Very Low maintenance and
highly durable.

But here in Upstate New York we can get -20 degree nights.



Vinyl Windows have arrived.? These are 'Harvey' brand windows.?? The ones shown
are the small bathroom window and two small bedroom? windows.? I found these

operated well and appeared to be well constructed.

Costs are as follows (including installation and exterior aluminum finish work.)

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Small Bedroom Double Hung: $250.00

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Large Picture Openings:?? 2 Double Hungs:? $525.00
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Used in Bedrooms and Dining area large opening)

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Large Picture Opening:? Picture Casement:? $1,200
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Used for Living Room Only)

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bathroom Double Hung: $250.00

These windows aren't too? bad to remove. Removing the numerous screws along the
outside frame pretty much releases the window.? Worse part:? the four vertically placed screws

on the top and bottom - they keep turning? but don't come out. (shown above)

Most of these ended up being cut off.

These guys are from Suburban Home Improvment in Albany NY

Preparing to remove window

Gasket which seals window is removed.? For Installers: In the next few? photos, notice how
there is a smooth flat square opening on the inside.? Then, there is an aluminum channel

next to this and closer to the outside.? The window will rest on that? wide flat inner? opening.


Front Bedroom Unit being eased out.? Now? you can see the details of the window opening
and where the new window will go. Notice the wide flat inner

surface on the inside and then the small channel? on the outside.



These window units are fairly heavy.

Thank you for 50 years of probably flawless service!

Last time this Lustron looked like this??? Some day in 1950 maybe.
Just a few years after WW II.



Next, a strip of inulation is placed on that wide inner surface.? This is where the window
will sit.?? Installers: That outer channel may protrude a little high into the opening

formed by the wide inner surface.? In areas where it protrudes, you can just flatten it with

a hammer - it is very soft.


And in with the new.?? These were simply attached with screws into the
metal opening.? Will these last 50 Years


This is how the outside looks unfinished.? The unattractive outer
channel is showing.? All this is covered with custom bent aluminum.


The exterior was finished with custom bent pieces of white
aluminum which was screwed in place and caulked.


Exterior trim showing how aluminum trim meets the lustron metal.
(photo shows trim after three years - caulking has dirtied somewhat )


Exterior is now finished.

Bathroom window.

The windows were brought flush to the interior walls.? They were secured
with vertical screws into the window opening.


I used a picture window with side casements for the living room.
It would be very expensive to do all the large openings like this -

double hungs are much less expensive.


Thanks again...


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